Sunday, 27 April 2014


The bluebells are really starting to bloom now, despite the strong breeze you can still get the occasional waft of scent coming from the blooms, before it’s whipped away on the wind.

The path from the Farm to the Garland Stone which runs across the North Valley is currently the best spot for bluebells. Plenty more are starting to come through elsewhere on the island though too.




The Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffins are absent from the island at the moment, they often head out to sea for some last minute feeding before laying eggs and breeding. This time it has coincided with some blowy weather which has meant no day visitors to the island, although the boat has managed to land those people staying overnight at the hostel.

1 comment:

  1. Love the layout, background etc. This is so much better than the 'Skomer blog'; & up to date! thank you
