As part of the IOSSRP project a visit was made to Bryher and Tresco to trap some rats for genetic analysis work. Will, Alex and I stayed on Bryher for a week, visiting Tresco each day to check the traps. It was a great chance to visit two more islands and have an explore.

Long-tailed duck

The view from our accommodation at sunrise, looking towards Tresco
The sheltered channel between Bryher and Tresco is perfect for mooring boats in, much of the winter the Agnes boat had to be moored here rather than at St Agnes due to the stormy seas.

Tresco castle 360 degree view

We got to visit all the best bits of the island, including the dump!
These large concrete bunkers contain food waste, unfortunately the ‘breather holes’ allow rats to run in and out feeding quite happily. The earth banks behind are riddled with rat burrows.

Looking from Tresco to towards Bryher, with Cromwell's castle on the left

Tresco from Bryher

Rat trails running through the grass
Not seen for several months now on St Agnes, rat trails can be seen all over the island running through the grass on Bryher and Tresco.

A lovely rat hole under a compost bin
The design of these compost bins means that rats can burrow into their base and obtain a plentiful supply of food. Part of the IOSSRP project was to provide compost bins and wheelie bins to the residents so that the source of food was removed from the rats. A good compost bin is also a great way of producing compost for the garden.

Rat footprints in the mud on a track

Golden sands on Tresco
There is much more to Tresco than just the gardens. The golden sandy beaches were beautiful, and the northern end of the island is covered in a lovely area of coastal heath. If you’re like me and prefer to be away from crowds of people then summer time might not be the best time to visit, but early spring was lovely and quiet. Photos of the garden next time.